Saturday, February 11, 2012

Conventions and also Electric Saucepans

I've been super crazy busy as of late trying to get myself a goddamn big boy job (something that actually makes use of my degree) and the next convention on my list is fast approaching. Almost too fast, but not quite--motherfucking Katsucon. If you don't do the whole nerd convention thing you're most definitely missing out.

I got into the conventions well before I got into the subculture. It all started back in the fall of 2005. I was in high school and played bass in a grunge band. Our guitarist, Joe, probed our interest in attending an anime convention. My first response was a stern, "no," but after he mentioned the abundance of alcohol I was all for it. The trip there was rather exciting. We took Dan the band van up to northern Virginia and about halfway through the drive Dan caught on fire. To this day we have no idea what was wrong with the van, but it caused billowing smoke to enter the van and an intense blaze under the hood. After a brief survey, we realized that the only liquid in the vehicle was hard liquor--whose only use would have been to put our sorrows to rest. After a more detailed inspection, I found half a bottle of orange soda in the glove compartment and immediately doused the engine. The fire was out and we were on our way. The convention itself was a huge blast, and I've been on the con horse ever since. In retrospect, I have no idea how we got a hotel room. We were all under 18, had no reservations, and just brought a wad of cash up to the front desk. Thug lyfe?

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